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I have found the one whom my soul loves.
Song of Solomon 3:4

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Baby Luke has arrived!

After getting home from work one evening, I told John Paul, "my shoes feel so tight".  Being so proud of not swelling this whole pregnancy, I was in for a surprise.  As I took off my shoes, I discovered that my days of no swelling were over! My feet and ankles had grown twice their size.  We ran to CVS to check my blood pressure and it was a bit high, but not dangerous, so with both of our mother's advice, I decided to lay in bed with my feet up.  To my surprise, when I woke up in the morning, the swelling had gone down quite a bit.  We went to work that morning, and I had the school nurse check my blood pressure.  It was still up a little, so even though I was working, I made a call to the doctor.  They suggested I come in as soon as I could just to check everything out.  Little did I know, that was my last day of work.  I called John Paul and we headed off to the doctor.  As I left my classroom I told my kiddos "I'll be back Monday!"

We arrived at the doctor's office and my blood pressure had gone up higher and my swelling was back. I was sent over to the hospital to have my blood pressure and the baby monitored for a few hours.  We got the okay from the doctor and were sent home.  Unfortunately, I was put on bed rest, so wasn't able to say goodbye to my students. 

Our 39 week appointment was the following Wednesday. After a boring 5 days on bed rest, I was ready to get out of the house.  We arrived at the doctor's office and waited. As we were in the exam room, John Paul says "I'm ready for him to come, so I'm hoping she's going to say..."Let's have a baby today!".  When Dr. Behnia came in she examined me and then said those words that made John Paul's eyes light up.  "Ya'll are having a baby tomorrow!".  She gave us instructions to come back to the hospital that night so I could be induced.  After she told me we were having a baby, I was extremely nervous....but very excited to meet my little boy! 

That evening we made sure everything was packed and took one last picture before leaving.  39w,1d

We headed the hospital.  I had bought my own labor gown, which my mom thought was so silly.  Actually, all of the nurses and even Dr. Behnia thought it was so cute! After being checked in the week before for a few hours and wearing that ugly hospital gown, I was so glad I had my own that fit me.  It wasn't a silly idea to me.  I'm sure John Paul was thinking "Anything to keep her happy."

After getting hooked up to everything imaginable, they started the pitocin about 12:00.  I wasn't feeling any contractions yet, so all was good.  About 4 am, the anesthesiologist came in to give me my epidural.  It really wasn't that bad.  I was feeling pretty good and not really feeling much of the contractions.  After a couple of hours, they increased my pitocin and the contractions got harder.  I was in so much pain, and I told John Paul "If this is as good as the epidural gets, it wasn't worth it." The nurse had the doctor come back to check and not knowing exactly what was supposed to happen with an epidural, I assumed everything was normal. He increased my meds, but I was still feeling everything.  The contractions were so strong that they were making my toes curl! The nurse called for the doctor again, and he was already gone.  Another anesthesiologist came in and said that if I could feel everything, something wasn't working correctly.  We decided to take it out and redo it.  Finally! I was in heaven.  If I wouldn't have kept on complaining, I would have definitely known what natural child birth felt like!

After 5 hours of labor, Baby Luke made his appearance! He was so beautiful, and John Paul was so amazing.  We had been joking about for months about how he might pass out. He was so amazed by the whole thing and couldn't take his eyes off everything!  I was so proud of him!

Luke Paul Salazar
5/10/12   11:43 AM
19 1/2 in.    7lb. 5.5oz.

We stayed at the hospital for 3 long days because Luke had a little jaundice that they wanted to monitor him.  We were all definitely ready to go to home when it was time.  Little did we know how good we had it at the hospital being waited on hand and foot! We had a great experience at the hospital though and loved our doctor!

Time to go home!

When Luke was 8 days old, we had his newborn pics taken, courtesy of Lauren's Pictures.  She did a great job and we love everyone of them! Enjoy!


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