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I have found the one whom my soul loves.
Song of Solomon 3:4

Sunday, October 9, 2011

One Amazing Blessing

After our wedding, the baby questions rolled in..."When are ya'll going to have a baby?" Most of our friends and family knew that since I am a teacher, we were shooting for a summer baby.

John Paul loves Chinese food, but I definitely do not.  We have always had an attachment to fortune cookies though.  We always seem to get fortunes that come true.  That's why we used them as favors at our wedding.  We just celebrated our 1 year anniversary last weekend, and this year has been more than perfect. 

A couple of months ago, we received this fortune. " A pleasant surprise is in store for you soon." We just thought about it and put it on the fridge with the rest of our good fortunes and hoped for the best. 

After lots of careful planning for a summer baby, our prayers were answered.  We are officially expecting our little edition on May 16th, 2012! 

We didn't want to share with everyone until I had proof (a pic) that there was something in there. I was scheduled to go to the doctor on Friday and we were planning on telling everyone Saturday. 

We wanted to tell our parents at the same time, so we thought of a creative way to share the news.  We had already wanted to get everyone together at our house since we moved in.  We had all of our immediate family over at our house for dinner Saturday to celebrate John Paul's birthday .  We made dinner and had a great time.  For dessert, of course we needed birthday cake.  John Paul and I had a cake made with his favorite "Iron Man", but instead of "Happy Birthday John Paul", we had "Happy Birthday Daddy!" written on the cake.  I hid the cake until it was time for dessert.  As everyone was singing I nervously brought the cake out. Once everyone had finished singing, they were all just staring at the cake. I finally had to say "Did ya'll read it?"  Then, the tears started rolling...mainly from John Paul's mom lol.  Everyone was so excited to find out we were pregnant! The surprise wasn't as obvious as we had planned, but it turned out great!

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