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I have found the one whom my soul loves.
Song of Solomon 3:4

Saturday, December 31, 2011

And it's a ...

We have reached our halfway point...20 weeks! The first half flew by so I know this half will too.  May will be here before we know it.  We went to our 20 week check up on Dec. 28th and were happy to know that they baby's heartbeat was still at a strong 156 bpm and couldn't wait until Friday....sonogram day!  As we made our next appointment I thought I'd ask if they had an earlier time Friday for us to come in.  We were happy to find out that there was an available appointment the next day, so we were going to know earlier than we thought.

Wednesday night dragged on and on as well as Thursday day since our appointment wasn't until 3:10 that day. When we got to the doctor we anxiously waited.  I didn't think I would  be so happy to see the sonographer!  John Paul was able to record the ultrasound on his iphone while we had the ultrasound done. We got to see and learn all about our baby.  The baby measured at exactly 20 weeks which was perfect and weighs 12 oz.  The sonographer said everything looked great! And we found out we were having a little _____! Ha's a suprise!

Unfortunately for our family and friends, we weren't telling until we got everyone all together.  We planned on having a little get together on New Year's Eve.  It was definitely hard to keep a secret for a day and a half.  Our plan was just to avoid talking to or seeing our parents on Friday to avoid any slip ups or tricks.  We decided to tease anyone a little bit that night by sending them the posting the following picture.

Needless to say, we definitely got a lot of texts and comments.  My sister in law and father were definitely determined to find out before anyone else.  Good thing we are the best secret keepers in the world!

Saturday rolled around and we woke up excited to get everything ready for our baby party.  We had a cake made that was going to be blue or pink inside...depending on what the baby was.  I found this cake picture on pinterest and found a lady in town to make it, Jessica Scogin, and she did an awesome job!  As everyone arrived they were just looking at each side of the cake trying to see through it.  It was no use though, I had that cake covered in buttercream and fondant icing, so no color was getting through!

We had to make the suspense last longer, especially since I received a text the night before my dad that said "13 hours and counting!" lol.  He was just so excited!  We had lunch and then decided to break into the cake! 

And it's a.....


John Paul and I are excstatic to be having a beautiful little boy! Our families are so happy!  I got a text today from a friend that said "You and John Paul will be amazing parents, because you both have amazing parents!" They are right! We both definitely do and are so blessed to be bringing this little boy into a wonderful family! Our little boy will be named "Luke Paul Salazar" Although his daddy goes by both names, we will just be calling the baby Luke. 

After cutting and eating that delicious cake, our family all sat in the living room and we watched the sonogram video that John Paul made.  The day couldn't have been more perfect! 
Free blog design by Adori Graphics using the Bundle of Joy digiscrapping kit by Adorible Digital Designs