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I have found the one whom my soul loves.
Song of Solomon 3:4

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Halfway to TWO!

Wow! I just realized that I haven't blogged in almost 7 months! It's been a crazy and wild ride with our one and a half year old! He is growing so fast these days and learning so much! He started pre-school in November and his speech and learning has really taken off.  We definitely miss his old day-care, but pre-school at 18 months was always the plan. 

As of 18 months Luke can:
 - count to five
 - shake his head no
 - give kisses
 - loves to read books
 - gives high fives
 - says "Dada & Mama" and can recognize us in pictures
 - When he has something he isn't supposed to and gets caught he throws it down and runs the other way! 
 - listen and follow most directions, unless he's doing something he's not supposed to be lol
 - runs everywhere! 
 - got his last set of molars (which was a nightmare)
 - sleeps 11 hours (but is always up at 5:30 no matter what time he goes to bed)
 - say "thank you" and "please"
 - says "love you" 
 - decided after getting his last molars he doesn't need his pacifier any more
 - mimic most words if we as him to say them
 - turns on the water in the tub and says "I wash" 
 - can work an iPad and iPhone
 - calls our dog Molly "Mall"
 - talks so much in front of us, but when we get around anyone else, he's silent
 - favorite foods - cheese, baked beans, chicken, raw tomatoes and black olives
 - is super excited about Christmas and loved the ice and says "Ho, Ho, Ho" (although he didn't like sitting in Santa's lap as you will see below. 

As you can see he has been a little sponge and he amazes us everyday! We can't wait for Christmas.  He loves the tree but not so much keeping ornaments on it. 

I am obsessed with taking pictures of my handsome boy, so if you don't have facebook, here's what you've missed! 

 6 months down! You will see by 17 months what is really happening in these photo shoots!

First and 2nd haircuts! We bribed him with suckers! 

My summer project was to re-vamp our kitchen.  I used white homemade chalk paint and painted our cabinets and we had new quartz countertops put in! I absolutely love it even more now! 

The whole family went on a trip to Hawaiian Falls!

JP & Jenn went to an art studio and became professionals!

We had beautiful pictures taken!

We went to the park many times and played!

We went swimming!

Fireworks for the 4th of July!

Found baby bunnies in our back yard twice this summer!

Went to the Dallas World Aquarium!

Napping on his new mat with Scout! 

Mowing just like Daddy! 

Luke loves to read, especially "David" books! 

Played games at Shenanigans

Steals the toilet paper! This is his "just got caught" look!

Went to his own art studio birthday party! 

Like I said, this boy loves baked beans! 

Spending time with cousins! 

Fall Fun!! 

Cayden & Rylan aka Mario & Luigi

Visiting the Pumpkin Patch

Luke was a cowboy (Mom made his costume), Cayden was Spiderman, & Rylan was Mickey Mouse.  We had lots of fun at the church carnival!

Luke even carved his first pumpkin! Mickey Mouse of course! 

Last day at daycare!

First day of preschool!

 Funny pj pics! He tried to undress himself in bed!
 I'm Batman!

Getting ready for Christmas! 

 We put him to work while we put the lights up!
 Still loves the red cowboy hat!
 He was amazed by the tree!
 Looking good at church! (He can't go anywhere without a blankie.)
 Off of school for ice days!
 Thanksgiving for 45 minutes.  We spent the rest at home and in the ER with a high fever and pneumonia.  Luckily the fever only lasted about 18 hours!
 Rylan, Luke, & Cayden - Love these boys!
 On black Friday we went to see Santa. As soon as we sat him down he screamed! JP was hoping for this classic crying picture, so he got his wish!

And finally.....we are getting another nephew in April! Cayden & Rylan are super excited!


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