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I have found the one whom my soul loves.
Song of Solomon 3:4

Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring is here...kind of!

Trying to find time to catch up on blogging and keeping track of over a thousand pictures with a 10 1/2 month old is definitely hard to do!  I came home early today with a sick little boy...luckily nothing serious...just a tummy bug.  So, while he naps, I shall write!

So much has changed with him since Christmas.  He is learning new things at rapid speed!  In January he got pneumonia, so we spent a few days at an expensive hotel aka the hospital.  After just a few hours there he felt much better! He is such a strong little boy...and extremely active.  After the first day in the hospital, all he wanted to do was get down to play and crawl!  When we got home....boy he took off! Our poor little guy also continued to get constant ear infections, but magically after meds and lots of praying they cleared up.  Unfortunately last month the ear infections came back and Luke had tubes put in his ears.  Everyone told us he would definitely start sleeping all night then....but no.  John Paul and I have just come to the conclusion that our extra busy little boy just needs to eat once during the night! It's okay though....he's the best cuddler so that's a plus while we're wide awake at 3 AM.

Once he turned 8 months he started moving fast! He went from army crawling to crawling on his hands and knees, then to pulling up just in 3 weeks! Now at 10 1/2 months he's standing alone, so I know walking is not far.  He also has 8 we have to watch out! We don't try to fish anything out of there if we don't have too because we will lose a finger! I do miss him only having those 2 little bottom teeth.  His top teeth came in out of order so he had the two side one first...our own little vampire! Thankfully those two middle ones popped in so now he has 4 on top and 4 on the bottom.

We have also gotten to the "Monkey, see, monkey do" stage with him.  He loves to copy us when we wave or make car sounds while showing him how to play with his trucks.  He is definitely Mr. Personality!

He is growing and changing so's hard to keep up!

We think he has changed the most from 9 to 10 months.  His hair has really thickened up and I just love it!

John Paul won't let me get pictures taken for every holiday, so we did our own little Valentine's Day photo shoot!  Luke even helped make the sign!

John Paul has been busy making our kitchen table.  He and his dad built, and my mom and I stained & painted! It turned out great.  We plan on redoing our kitchen this summer and needed a bigger table.  He said he wanted to build one, so he did!

Mr. Crazy Hair the morning of getting his tubes.  I'm sure he's thinking, "Hey it's 5 in the morning...don't judge!" lol We were just blessed that he was so happy the whole time we were there.  He even woke up smiling from his anesthesia and the nurses couldn't get enough of him! 

Celebrating St. Patrick's Day with a good nap! 

I was able to sweet talk JP into getting Easter pictures taken.  A mother of one of our students took them....Deanna Campbell.  She did an amazing job! Getting pictures taken, always makes me want more! 

Luke loves to spend time with his cousins Cayden (3 1/2) & Rylan (almost 2)! They are always so cute together and have the best time!

 Hanging out at Grandma's & Papa's house!

 Can you believe these 3 already know how to use an iPad?

Watching a movie at Aunt Jenn & Uncle John Paul's house! 

This past weekend was Palm Sunday and Luke got to go to his first egg hunt! He seemed more interested in eating eggs rather than hunting him, but he was proud of what he got! He also got to wave a palm branch while walking into the church service and he did so good....he actually didn't want to let it go!

Finally, just some fun ones that I love! 

 "Really mom?!"

So handsome!

 1st time eating ice Sweet Frog! He loved it as you can see!

 Playing before his ear appointment.

 Luke loves to play with the plastic containers! Probably because that's the only cabinet we will let him get in to!

He loves his books! 

I can't believe that he is already 10 1/2 months old.  We will have a 1 year old in 7 weeks! Eek! He is such a blessing and we couldn't imagine our lives without him.  He makes every day brighter!


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